Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pan Fried Mackeral

Pan fried mackeral is an anytime meal. It can be serve up either at Breakfast, lunch or dinner. It can be served up with panfried potoatoes. My only concern is watch the amount of butter. I love butter but on many occasions i use canola. Canola can be used soley in cooking this dish or in conjunction with the butter. In any case use only enough to lightly cover you frying pan. Here is what you need to get started:
4 mackeral filets or 2 whole mackeral
2/3 cup of flour
dash of salt and pepper
1/8 tsp of onion powder(optional)
1/4 tsp of oil or butter

First things first, always select fresh mackeral. If you know of a fisher maybe he/she will be your source of fresh mackeral. If not be sure to select the freshest fish on diplay at you local fish market. i seldom every buy fish that already has been placed in a containor and sealed in a plastic wrap. Rinse the mackeral in cold water and pat dry. Once this has been done set aside briefly while you mix the flour.
Combine the flour with a dash of salt and pepper. You may want to add a sprinkle of onion powder or even some herb. This is purely optional but i can say it brings out some good flavors. Mix all dry items well maybe. Place in a farely good size pan. Something that will hold 4 filets. Now dredge your mackeral in the flour and make sure all parts of the fish have been dusted in the flour.
Place your oil in the pan and apply heat. Medium temperature is good as long as you do not see alot of smoke you should be okay. So once your at the right temperature place the mackeral in the pan. Could each side briefly approxiamately 3 1/2 minutes each side. Slightly more or slightly less depending on you preference. This mackeral dish goes well with some pan fried potatoes and fresh cooked vegetables such as the fiddleheads or brussel sprouts. A little but of lemon juice over the mackeral compliments it very well. Hope you enjoy this dish.

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