Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baked Haddock with Corn

This dish is so delicious. We just made this dish for tonite's dinner and we just couldn't get enough haddock. However my rule is always eat in moderation. And in about 15 minutes i am going to take a 15 minute hike! Here is the down sized version that will feed two. To make this dish you will need the following items:

2 haddock filets, approxiamtely 1 pound
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of corn kernals
1 tsp of parmesan
1/2 white onion
2 tbsp of butter
1 garlic clove, minced
2 pinches of salt
1 pinch of pepper
2 slices of toast

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a casserole dish place the equivalent of 1 tbsp of butter in a casserole dish. Lay the haddock filets in the casserole dish over the butter. Spinkle parmesan over the filets and add milk and remaining items except the toast. Cook in the oven for about 15-20 minutes. In meantime chop toast to as close as fine crumb you can get. A food processor will do the job but not necessary.
When the haddock is cooked take it form the oven and sprinkle the crumbs over the casserole dish covering as much of the fish as possible. By this time the oven should be set from bake at 425 degrees to broil at 500 degrees. Cook for about 2 minutes. The effect we are looking for is to further cook off the toast Be careful not to burn the crumb. Serve with scallop potatoes and creamed peas.

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